Pillar #2: People

Our commitments to take care of our teams

Délifrance could not be the unique company it is, delivering the best products, without the people who work with us every day.

Their safety and well-being is our priority, together with growing their talents, and making all of them included in the company.

Guarantee safety and well-being in the workplace


Safety and well-being at work, for all our teams, are a top priority. This is why, in our all our production sites and offices, we take care of our teams and work to improve our practices, by facilitating discussions with all.

For years now, we have been developing a true safety culture, CARE, based on prevention and training of the teams.

It also goes with the creation of a work environment that favours a balance between professional and personal lives. 



-40% of accidents since the launch of the CARE programme in 2015.

• Implementation of a policy for remote working and on the worklife quality



An accident frequency rate divided by 2 between 2021 and 2025 and 80% of our sites without lost-time accidents each year

100% of employees trained to psychosocial hazards in the integration process by 2025

Boost employer's brand and nourish the talents of our teams 


With more than 3,000 women and men across the world, nourishing our talents and reinforcing the employability of our teams is part of the positive impact Délifrance wants to create for today and tomorrow.

Training is one of our main focus: in France, more than 80% of our employees have received at least one training action in 2022. We plan to keep improving this figure in France and to assess the training at Délifrance’s global scale and then set precise targets.

One of our action plans is to keep favouring internal staff mobility for job openings.




3% of the payroll dedicated to training by 2025 (French scope)

80% of our employees receiving at least 1 training / year by 2025

Promote diversity and inclusion


We are deeply convinced the diversity of profiles and expertise within our teams are a great asset to the company. Promoting the integration of diverse profiles helps us move forward and share opportunities will all. 

  • Regarding gender equality, in 2023 our equality index in France reached the score of 94/100. We are working to improve it and go even further. We will extend this equality index to all our major sites and subsidiaries outside France.
  • We want to contribute to the integration of young people into working life by having more interns or apprentices joining Délifrance.
  • The inclusion of people with disabilities is key to Délifrance: 4.96% of our employees in France are people with disabilities. We intend to work to have again a rate higher than 6%.
  • The inclusion of people from the LGBTQIA+ communities is one of our commitments. In June 2023, we signed the United Nations Standards of Conduct for Businesses Tackling Discrimination against LGBTQIA+ People and became a member of L’Autre Cercle, the French leading organisation working for the inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people in the workplace.


At least 40% of women among the senior executives by 2025

At least 50% of apprentices and 6-month interns hired with a long-term contract by 2025

The signature of L’Autre Cercle charter and the creation of a specific action plan relevant to Délifrance by 2024

Cultivate our cooperative DNA and bring life to a Group’s culture 


Belonging to VIVESCIA makes us part of a community of people committed to take care of the grain, from farm to fork. Being part of this community is one of our strengths and we want to develop a true sense of belonging to VIVESCIA.

Within the next few months, we will keep cultivating the Group’s values within Délifrance and sharing and highlighting our know-how. Specific targets and action plans will be precisely defined.

Interview of François Barenton

Our HR Director answers a few questions on our priorities for people at Délifrance:

What do you see as the main challenges in terms of well-being at work?

Quality of life at work is fundamental. It has always been one of Délifrance’s values. After the COVID-19 pandemic period, we set up a remote work agreement. We also launched our first survey on psycho-social risks. The results are quite good and actions are being implemented.

Overall, employees say they feel good in the company and get on very well with their colleagues. This is crucial. That is why we have stepped up management training and developed targeted coaching. These issues will also be addressed following the engagement survey.


How is Délifrance positioning itself on the subjet of gender equality in the workplace?

It is a crucial issue: ensuring that women are well represented in our teams and that there is gender equality at work is one of our values. In a historically maledominated sector, it is a challenge, but we are working hard to meet it: we are paying particular attention to recruitment, pay and promotions. For example, 50% of the managers we recruited in 2022 were women in France.


Are there any special initiatives in place to deal with disability?

In theory, all our jobs are open to people with disabilities.

Beyond recruitment, the challenge is to help our employees be open-minded about disabilities. In November, we relaunched Disability Week, which was put on hold because of COVID-19.

Post Covid-19 employees are also looking for a better work-life balance, is it something that is taken into account at Délifrance?

Covid-19 has been a catalyst for change. It has changed the way we’re working and has also set new expectations. We have listened and deployed a Teleworking charter in 2021 and all of the countries we’re operating in will also have their own charter by the end of 2022. Employees can work from home 2 days per week.

We also developed a women-men equality agreement applicable to our employees in France (and deployed also outside of France by 2023) to promote the principles of equal treatment and diversity at all stages of professional life and to promote a better work-life balance.

Reed more about our commitments

Pillar #1:


Limit the impact of our activities on the planet

Pillar #3:

Product & know how

Make quality products for all, today and tomorrow