
Strawberry layer cake

This beautiful fraisier is made with 2 layers of Joconde almond biscuits, vanilla cream (44.5%), strawberry coulis and sweetened strawberry pieces (29.8%). - Simplified recipe: no artificial colours or flavours. - Contrasting textures, simple and elegant filling: ready to be personalised.‍ - Can be cut into 12 slices to sell individually (on the plate or directly in the window). - Versatile packaging for protection, easy cutting thanks to its integrated ruler and product presentation.
4 por caja
12h at 0-4°C



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Redes de distribución Restaurante
Tiempo de consumo Cena-Almuerzo
Descongelación 12h at 0-4°C
Tamaño 33 x 8,5 cm
Relleno Fruta
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Gama Délifrance
Receta Formato familiar
Tecnología Descongelar y servir

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